Coffee, exercise, work sleep. Coffee, work, laugh, work, drinks, sleep. Coffee, work, drive, work, drive, work, work, sleep. 

I have never felt such a sense of urgency or excitement to work hard and keep making the BECKLEY dream a reality. A combination of over-caffeination and over-stimulation though, makes it hard to sit back and realize has what already come to fruition. I am in a constant state of looking ahead at the next thing, which is by no means detrimental, but focusing more attention on the here and now does not come as easily to me. 

On Saturday, gathered around a large wooden table with flowers, watercolors, and rosΓ©, it became much easier to sit back and enjoy the moment. Hosted by Three Twelve Co. featuring Jenna from Paper & Posies, the women learned how to paint whimsical geodes using a few different techniques. Local Moto + Provisions offered the perfect space with natural light pouring in (...AND - everyone's favorite by the end of the day - a bold cactus just outside offering the perfect photo backdrop for guests and their finished paintings)

Coffee . . . chat . . . listen . . . learn . . . paint . . . rosΓ© . . . chat . . . listen . . .

This is the pattern of life I need to employ more often. A magical day, as any other created by Lauren of Three Twelve Co. - creating and learning with other beautiful and interesting women, what more could anyone ask for in life? 

Our reflection for the week: How do we balance looking forward and planning ahead with taking time to sit back and enjoy what is around us? If you manage to find even a glimmer of this in your life, post about it with #BECKLEYblog - we would love to see where the week takes you!

photos may be purchased to download and print here