Rebecca Patton started what was then "BECKLEY & Co." in October 2014. She had every intention of becoming a physical therapist, and studied biology at University of Dallas. Science clubs, research studies, hospital internships - all foreign to her. "Yearbook editor" and "chief newspaper photographer" were quite familiar, though. After graduating, she started BECKLEY & Co. as a creative outlet and convenient hobby to foster while studying to become a physical therapist. But as we all know, fate cannot be escaped. A draw towards photography and building the business made taking BECKLEY full-time a clear choice, once her then-fiancΓ© (now husband) Andrew had the courage to say "Why don't you just... be a photographer?"

After that day, which seemed just as pivotal in the moment as it does looking back, everything fell into place. BECKLEY & Co. has my heart and soul, and every time I meet a challenge and make a client happy (or sometimes not-so happy and I can learn and grow), it fuels the fire and I only crave more. More creativity, more challenges, more collaboration. 

Rebecca lives with her husband Andrew and occlusal terrier Truman Capote in Dallas.

She is second-youngest of seven children (sort of a Brady Bunch deal... sort of)

Loves pilates but her hundreds could use some work

Blogged for Seventeen Magazine's Health & Fitness Blog in college (beer at night, smoothie in the morning)

BECKLEY is how her sister Mary addresses her after shopping together in LA and seeing an eponymous street name. Thus, BECKLEY replaced "Rebecca Kirstin Photography"